Example: Examples of Multinomial Coefficients

(related to Proposition: Multinomial Coefficient)

Example 1

The number of words, which can be created out of the letters of the word MISSISSIPPI is

\[\frac{11 ! }{4 ! 4 ! 2 ! 1 !}=34,650\]

One of such words (without any meaning) could be SIPISMSIPIS.

Example 2

The binomial coefficient is a special case of the multinomial coefficient, since

\[\binom nk=\binom n{k,n-k}=\frac{n ! }{k !\cdot (n-k) ! }.\]

Example 3

The coefficient of the term \(x^2y^3z^5\) by calculating \((x +y +z)^{10}\) is

\[\binom {10}{2,3,5}=\frac{10 ! }{2 ! 3 ! 5 !}=2520.\]

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  1. Matoušek, J; Nešetşil, J: "Invitation to Discrete Mathematics", Oxford University Press, 1998