(related to Theorem: Deterministic Finite Automata Describe Regular Languages)
- We first show that every language $L$ accepted by a deterministic finite automaton $DFA$ is regular.
- Let $DFA=(C,\Sigma,\delta,F,s_0)$ be a deterministic finite automaton.
- We construct a grammar $G=(V,T,R,S)$ corresponding to the DFA as follows:
* Set $T=\Sigma$, i.e. the terminal symbols of the grammar are the alphabet $\Sigma.$
* Set $A_0\in V$ to correspond to the starting state $s_0.$
* Interprete all other states $s\in C$ of the DFA as some other variables $A_i$ of $G$ i.e. for every $s_i\in C$ there is a variable $A_i\in V$ and vice versa (and $A_0$ stands for the starting state $s_0.$)
* Every state transition $s_{i+1}=\delta(s_i,\sigma)$ of the DFA can be interpreted as a production rule $A_i\to \sigma A_{i+1}\in R.$
* If $s_{i+1}\in F$ is a final state, we add $A_{i+1}\to\epsilon$ to the rules, in order to stop the construction of the word in $G$ exactly at the same time when the DFA stops at a final state.
* By this construction, the grammar $G$ generates the language of the given DFA, i.e. $L(G)=L(\operatorname{DFA}).$
* Moreover, it is a grammar of a regular language, since the conclusion $Q$ of every production $P\to Q\in R$ is either the empty string $\epsilon$ or it is a concatenation of some non-empty string of terminals ending with a variable $\sigma A_{i+1}$ (in other words, $G$ is right-linear).
- Now, we show that for every regular language there is a DFA accepting it.
- Let $G=(V,T,R,S)$ be a grammar of a regular language,
- It suffices to find a non-deterministic finite automaton $NFA=(C,\Sigma,\Delta,F,s_0)$ which accepts the same language. It will then follow from Rabin-Scott theorem, than there is an appropriate DFA.
* Set $\Sigma=T$, i.e. the alphabet of the NFA are exactly the terminal symbols of the grammar $G$.
* Create a separate state $s_i\in C$ of the NFA or every variable $A_i\in V$ of the grammar $G.$
* Since $G$ is regular, every production rule is left-linear or right-linear.
* Without loss of generality, let $G$ be right-linear, i.e. let every of its production rules be either of the form $A_i\to\epsilon$ or $A_i\to \sigma A_{i+1}.$
* In the case $A_i\to \sigma A_{i+1},$ we mark the transition from the state $s_i$ to the state $s_{i+1}$ of the NFA with $\sigma.$
* In the case $A_i\to \epsilon,$ the state $s_i$ is a final state of the $NFA,$ i.e. we set $F=\{s_k\mid (A_k\to\epsilon)\in R\}.$
* Note, that $NFA$ is in general non-deterministic since the grammar $G$ can have more than one production rule for a variable $A_i$ and an input character $\sigma.$
Thank you to the contributors under CC BY-SA 4.0!
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- Erk, Katrin; Priese, Lutz: "Theoretische Informatik", Springer Verlag, 2000, 2nd Edition
- Hoffmann, Dirk: "Theoretische Informatik, 3. Auflage", Hanser, 2015