Person: Escherich, Gustav von


Gustav von Escherich published a key mathematical biography of Felix Hausdorff, and made significant contributions to mathematics, like the Escherich-Schimana Method, critical edges/components, Escherich's equations and the Escherich method, for which he received the Sylvester Medal.

Mathematical Profile (Excerpt):

  1. Published a key mathematical biography of Felix Hausdorff in 1895, which was praised by several prominent mathematicians.
  2. Was an early member of the Göttingen Mathematical Society, whose membership consisted of some of the most prominent mathematicians in Germany.
  3. Developed a new type of non-Eulerian graph in 1891, which is still known today as the ‘Escherich diagram’.
  4. Invented the ‘Escherich–Schimana Method’ for classifying graphs.
  5. Contributed to the field of graph theory with concepts such as the ‘critical edges’ and ‘critical components’.
  6. Developed a new system of equations, known as ‘Escherich's equations’, for solving differential equations with an arbitrary number of variables.
  7. Received the Sylvester Medal for his significant contributions to mathematics in 1906.
  8. Proposed a new method for solving certain equations of linear algebra in 1886, which is still known today as the 'Escherich method'.

Born 1849. Died 1935.

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Adapted from other CC BY-SA 4.0 Sources:

  1. O’Connor, John J; Robertson, Edmund F: MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive