Person: Herzog, Albin
Albin Herzog was a Swiss mathematician who was director of the ETH Zurich. His main interest was in mechanics.
Mathematical Profile (Excerpt):
- Albin first attended primary school in his native village, then secondary school in Steckborn, and then the Kantonsschule in Frauenfeld, Thurgau's capital.
- Herzog was a very good student and matriculated at the Polytechnic in Zürich in 1870.
- After his graduation Herzog received a prize for solving a problem posed at his department, and in 1875 he received a doctorate from the University of Zürich for his thesis Bestimmung einiger specieller Minimalflächen (Determining Some Special Minimal Surfaces).
- Herzog took on Kargl's lectures during the professor's illness and after his death.
- In 1877 Herzog was appointed to a full professorship in applied mechanics, which was quite unusual for the time given his young age.
- Herzog was head of the Mechanical-Technical Department for some years, but stepped down from this post when he succeeded his good friend Geiser as Director of the Polytechnic (1895-1899).
- Geiser acted as Herzog's deputy.
- Together they founded the Polytechnic's Civil Fund for Widows and Orphans, but Herzog seems to have been the driving force behind the project.
- Deeming the first as too analytical and missing rigour in the second, Herzog based his lectures on Jacob Bernoulli's work and a synthetic approach.
- When the young Einstein failed the Polytechnic's entry exam in 1895, Herzog recommended him to the Kantonsschule in Aarau, where Einstein indeed obtained the Matura.
- Having been a keen singer in his student years, Herzog supported the student choir throughout his life.
- Beside his teaching and administrative duties, Herzog still found time to do research.
- On the occasion of the Polytechnic's 50th anniversary in 1905, Herzog was one of its professors who were awarded honorary citizenship of the town Zürich.
- Herzog was a member of the Polytechnic's alumni association, the Gesellschaft Ehemaliger Polytechniker (GEP) and the Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft.
- The original committee invited Herzog to join the organising committee of the first International Congress of Mathematicians in his capacity as Director of the Polytechnic in November 1896.
- Herzog, Rudio and Hurwitz were the most active committee members with regards to organising the social side of the congress.
- Herzog's position and connections proved useful for securing the necessary subventions from the authorities.
Born 26 October 1852, Homburg, Thurgau canton, Switzerland. Died 13 June 1909, Mammern, Switzerland.
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Origin Switzerland
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- O’Connor, John J; Robertson, Edmund F: MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive