Person: Jorgensen, Palle
Palle Jorgensen is a Danish mathematician who worked mainly in America. He has published a large number of papers in both pure and applied mathematics.
Mathematical Profile (Excerpt):
- Jorgensen entered Aarhus University and was awarded a B.A. in 1968, an M.S. in 1970 and a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1973 for his thesis Infinite-dimensional representations of Lie algebras and Lie groups.
- There were many important influences on Jorgensen during these years.
- One was Kiyosi Ito who, although a professor at Kyoto University from 1952 until he retired in 1979, but held a position as professor at Aarhus University in the years 1966-69 while Jorgensen was a graduate student.
- The results from Jorgensen's thesis became part of the later monograph Operator commutation relations.
- After the award of his doctorate, Jorgensen was awarded a Danish Natural Science Research Council multi-year post-doctoral fellowship which allowed him to conduct research at universities abroad; foreign travel and international contacts were strongly encouraged.
- In Jorgensen's case it was sponsored by Odense University and Aarhus University, Denmark.
- Jorgensen's next paper was Approximately reducing subspaces for unbounded linear operators (1976) and, by this time, he had moved to University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
- In the summer of 1976 Jorgensen was an invited member of the NSF Summer Research Institute in Operator Theory at the University of New Hampshire.
- Jorgensen was an assistant professor at Stanford University in that period, and his research was then especially inspired by the Stanford faculty, and graduate students, e.g., Peter Sarnak, at the time.
- In 1979 Jorgensen petitioned for naturalisation in the district court at San Francisco.
- He was supported by two witnesses, Soon Min Jorgensen, his wife, and William Arveson (1934-2011) who was a Professor of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, researching on operator algebras.
- At this time Jorgensen was living on California Street, Mountain View, Santa Clara, California.
- At the end of one year at the University of Pennsylvania, Jorgensen was appointed as a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Iowa.
- Jorgensen is the author or co-author of at least eleven books (and has been an editor of several more).
- Palle Jorgensen's research covers a wide spectrum, stochastic processes, white noise analysis, harmonic analysis, applied functional analysis, PDE, dynamical systems, discrete algorithms, applied stochastic analysis, and Jorgensen's research makes connections to a number of applied areas, and he has interacted with colleagues from other departments, both at the university of Iowa, and at other universities around the world.
- This includes colleagues in departments of physics, engineering (department of computer and electrical engineering), department of statistic and actuarial science (University of Iowa.) Over the past seven years Jorgensen has taught financial mathematics both at the graduate level, as well as an undergrad course in derivative securities.
- While at the University of Iowa, Jorgensen has had 24 Ph.D. students, with thesis covering both pure and applied themes.
- Editorial work which Jorgensen has undertaken includes: editor of Acta Applicandae Mathematicae; editor of the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; editor of Proyecciones: Revista de Matemática; editor of the Panamerican Mathematical Journal; editor of the Journal of Mathematical Sciences (new series, Delhi, India); editor of the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, editor of the Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, editor of Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, and editor of the Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis.
- Jorgensen was honoured with election to the Danish Academy of Natural Sciences in 1982, the year in which the academy was founded.
Born 8 October 1947, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Origin Denmark
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- O’Connor, John J; Robertson, Edmund F: MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive