◀ ▲ ▶History / 20th-century / Person: Kuperberg, Krystyna Maria Trybulec
Person: Kuperberg, Krystyna Maria Trybulec

Krystyna Kuperberg is a Polish mathematician who works in America. She is known for her work in dynamical systems, geometry and topology.
Mathematical Profile (Excerpt):
- Krystyna decided in high school that she would study mathematics at university.
- After graduating, Krystyna Kuperberg undertook research at the University of Warsaw under Borsuk's supervision and, in 1966, she was awarded her Master's degree.
- In 1971 Krystyna and Wlodzimierz published the joint paper On weakly zero-dimensional mappings.
- In 1972, the year Krystyna register as a research student at Rice University in Houston, Texas, she published An isomorphism theorem of the Hurewicz-type in Borsuk's theory of shape in Fundamenta Mathematicae.
- Krystyna Kuperberg has remained at Auburn University since she was appointed in 1974.
- In 1988 Kuperberg solved a problem relating to question of Knaster as to whether every homogeneous space is bihomogeneous.
- It was this question to which Kuperberg found a counter-example, announcing it in A homogeneous nonbihomogeneous continuum in 1988, and giving full details in On the bihomogeneity problem of Knaster published in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
- Kuperberg's most celebrated result, however, was discovered in 1993 and published in 1994 in A smooth counterexample to the Seifert conjecture in the Annals of Mathematics.
- In 1996 they published Generalized counterexamples to the Seifert conjecture which improved on Kuperberg's results from two years earlier.
- Kuperberg has already received several awards for her outstanding work and it is certain that she will receive further awards.
Born 17 July 1944, Tarnów, Poland.
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Tags relevant for this person:
Origin Poland, Women
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- O’Connor, John J; Robertson, Edmund F: MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive