Person: Verblunsky, Samuel

Samuel Verblunsky was an English mathematician who worked on orthogonal polynomials and harmonic functions.
Mathematical Profile (Excerpt):
- We note that some sources give Poland as the country of birth of both Elcono Verblunsky and Leah Foner but they themselves give Russia on their census forms.
- Elcono Verblunsky, who in the early 1900s was living at 121 Hanbury Street, Mile End New Town, London, became a naturalised British citizen on 7 August 1903.
- Verblunsky's school education was in London and he entered Magdalene College, Cambridge in 1924 having won a scholarship to study mathematics.
- Verblunsky was taught by G H Hardy and J E Littlewood and was ranked First Class in both parts of the Mathematical Tripos.
- Before the award of his doctorate, Verblunsky began to publish a remarkable high volume of papers.
- These papers were all published before he was awarded a Ph.D. With eight papers appearing in these Proceedings in 1930 one might believe that this was the only journal in which Verblunsky published at this time.
- Among the results that Verblunsky proved in his early papers was that a trigonometric series cannot be summable (C,1)(C, 1)(C,1) to 0 unless its coefficients are nul, thus confirming a 1911 conjecture of Marcel Riesz.
- After the award of a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, Verblunsky remained at Cambridge being elected as a fellow of Magdalene College.
- At this point Verblunsky stopped publishing in the Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society and over the following few years the Proceedings does not contain any of his papers.
- From 1931 onwards, however, numerous papers by Verblunsky were published by the London Mathematical Society.
- At some stage Verblunsky left Cambridge when he was appointed as a lecturer at the University of Manchester.
- A contribution to the algebra of Fourier series while the second, which contains a proof of what today is called Verblunsky's Theorem, was On positive harmonic functions.
- It is based on notes of lectures delivered by Verblunsky to students in their first year at the University of Manchester.
- To this reviewer it seems that Verblunsky has succeeded admirably in his effort to write a rigorous and accurate introduction to the theory of functions of a real variable.
- In 1939, the year his book was published, Verblunsky was appointed as a Professor of Mathematics at Queen's University, Belfast.
- the authors wish to express their gratitude to Professor S Verblunsky of Belfast, for his helpful criticism and advice.
- After he retired from his chair at Queen's University, Belfast, Verblunsky moved away from the city but remained living in Northern Ireland.
- The Verblunsky Room is in De Morgan House, Russell Square, London and at present it is a Members' Room housing the London Mathematical Society's special collections consisting of the Hardy Collection and the Philippa Fawcett Collection.
- MathSciNet lists 17 papers with 'Verblunsky coefficients' in the title and another 73 with this term in the review text.
- It also lists 10 papers with 'Verblunsky parameters' in the review text, all published since 2007.
Born 25 June 1906, Whitechapel, London, England. Died 1996, Northern Ireland.
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Origin England
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- O’Connor, John J; Robertson, Edmund F: MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive