
(related to Proposition: Riemann Upper and Riemann Lower Integrals for Bounded Real Functions)

Let \([a,b]\) be a closed real interval and let \(f\) be bounded on \([a,b]\) and let \(\psi\) be a step function defined on that interval.

The proof goes in two steps:

We will show that the upper Riemann integral is well-defined.

Obviously, if by hypothesis

\[\phi(x)\ge f(x)\text{ for all }x\in[a,b]\]

then \(\phi\) is bounded from below by \(f\). The set \(D\) of all Riemann integrals of such functions:

\[D:=\left\{\int_{a}^b\phi(x)dx:~~\phi(x)\ge f(x)\text{ for all }x\in[a,b]\text{ and }\phi\text{ is a step function over }[a,b]\right\}\]

is therefore a subset of real numbers, which is bounded from below. From the infimum property of real numbers, it follows that the following infimum exists:

\[\inf D:=\inf\left\{\int_{a}^b\phi(x)dx:~~\phi(x)\ge f(x)\text{ for all }x\in[a,b]\text{ and }\phi\text{ is a step function over }[a,b]\right\}.\]

The definition of infimum shows that it is unique. Therefore, we the upper Riemann integral of the bounded function \(f\) is well-defined:

\[\int_{a}^{b~*}f(x)dx:=\inf D.\]

We will show that the lower Riemann integral is well-defined.

Similarly, if by hypothesis

\[\phi(x)\le f(x)\text{ for all }x\in[a,b]\]

then \(\phi\) is bounded from above by \(f\). The set \(D\) of all Riemann integrals of such functions:

\[D':=\left\{\int_{a}^b\phi(x)dx:~~\phi(x)\le f(x)\text{ for all }x\in[a,b]\text{ and }\phi\text{ is a step function over }[a,b]\right\}\]

is therefore a subset of real numbers, which is bounded from above. From the supremum property of real numbers, it follows that the following supremum exists:

\[\inf D':=\inf\left\{\int_{a}^b\phi(x)dx:~~\phi(x)\le f(x)\text{ for all }x\in[a,b]\text{ and }\phi\text{ is a step function over }[a,b]\right\}.\]

The definition of supremum shows that it is unique. Therefore, we the lower Riemann integral of the bounded function \(f\) is well-defined:

\[\int_{a~*}^{b}f(x)dx:=\sup D'.\]

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  1. Forster Otto: "Analysis 1, Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Veränderlichen", Vieweg Studium, 1983