And, similarly, a (rectilinear) figure is said to be circumscribed about a(nother rectilinear) figure when the respective sides of the circumscribed (figure) touch the respective angles of the (figure) about which it is circumscribed.
A rectilinear figure \(A\) is said to be circumscribed about another rectilinear figure \(B\), if and only if all the sides of \(A\) pass through the vertices of \(B\). In this case, \(B\) is inscribed in \(A\).
The \(4\)-sided figure \( A B C D \) is circumscribed about the \(4\)-sided figure \( E F G H \), and the \(4\)-sided figure \( E F G H \) is inscribed about the \(4\)-sided figure \( A B C D \), :