Proof: By Euclid
(related to Proposition: Prop. 10.111: Apotome not same with Binomial Straight Line)
- Let $AB$ be an apotome.
I say that $AB$ is not the same as a binomial.
For, if possible, let it be (the same).
- And let a rational (straight line) $DC$ be laid down.
- And let the rectangle $CE$, equal to the (square) on $AB$, have been applied to $CD$, producing $DE$ as breadth.
- Therefore, since $AB$ is an apotome, $DE$ is a first apotome [Prop. 10.97].
- Let $EF$ be an attachment to it.
- Thus, $DF$ and $FE$ are rational (straight lines which are) commensurable in square only, and the square on $DF$ is greater than (the square on) $FE$ by the (square) on (some straight line) commensurable (in length) with ($DF$), and $DF$ is commensurable in length with the (previously) laid down rational (straight line) $DC$ [Def. 10.10] .
- Again, since $AB$ is a binomial, $DE$ is thus a first binomial [Prop. 10.60].
- Let ($DE$) have been divided into its (component) terms at $G$, and let $DG$ be the greater term.
- Thus, $DG$ and $GE$ are rational (straight lines which are) commensurable in square only, and the square on $DG$ is greater than (the square on) $GE$ by the (square) on (some straight line) commensurable (in length) with ($DG$), and the greater (term) $DG$ is commensurable in length with the (previously) laid down rational (straight line) $DC$ [Def. 10.5] .
- Thus, $DF$ is also commensurable in length with $DG$ [Prop. 10.12].
- The remainder $GF$ is thus commensurable in length with $DF$ [Prop. 10.15].
- Therefore, since $DF$ is commensurable with $GF$, and $DF$ is rational, $GF$ is thus also rational.
- Therefore, since $DF$ is commensurable in length with $GF$, $DF$ (is) incommensurable in length with $EF$.
- Thus, $FG$ is also incommensurable in length with $EF$ [Prop. 10.13].
- $GF$ and $FE$ [are] thus rational (straight lines which are) commensurable in square only.
- Thus, $EG$ is an apotome [Prop. 10.73].
- But, (it is) also rational.
- The very thing is impossible.
- Thus, an apotome is not the same as a binomial.
- (Which is) the very thing it was required to show.
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- @Fitzpatrick
Adapted from (subject to copyright, with kind permission)
- Fitzpatrick, Richard: Euclid's "Elements of Geometry"