Definition: Euclidean Movement - Isometry
In a Euclidean metric space \((\mathbb R^n,d)\) with the Euclidean distance
for any two points \(A,B\in\mathbb R^n\):
a Euclidean movement is an automorphism (i.e. reversible function of \(\mathbb R^n\) to itself)
\[f :\mathbb R^n \mapsto \mathbb R^n,\]
which is also an isometry, i.e. which preserves the distance
There are four types of Euclidean movements:
- Identity - maps every point \(A\) to itself (no movement at all)
- Translation - moves every point \(A\) by the same amount in a given direction.
- Rotation - circular movement of any point \(A\) around a center . In the plane \(\mathbb R^2\), this center is called the point of rotation. In the three-dimensional space \(\mathbb R^3\), objects always rotate around an imaginary line called a rotation axis.
- Rotation - circular movement of any point \(A\) around a center . In the plane \(\mathbb R^2\), this center is called the point of rotation. In the three-dimensional space \(\mathbb R^3\), objects always rotate around an imaginary line called a rotation axis.
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