Part: Euclidean Geometry

Since the ancient greek world the Euclidean Geometry has been a highly deductive formal description of what we see around us - the space of three dimensions (length, breadth, and height). On a daily basis, we can observe that objects in this three-dimensional space move around, change their sizes and positions and that we can measure distances between objects along straight lines.

The beginnings of Euclidean geometry have been established by the epochal work Elements of Euclid of Alexandria (325 BC - 265 BC) (ca. 300 B.C.E.) - which will be introduced below.

  1. Chapter: Hilbert's Axiomatic System
  2. Definition: Euclidean Movement - Isometry
  3. Definition: Congruence
  4. Definition: Similarity
  5. Definition: Ellipse

Branches: 1
Chapters: 2
Parts: 3

Thank you to the contributors under CC BY-SA 4.0!




  1. Govers, Timothy: "The Princeton Companion to Mathematics", Princeton University Press, 2008,