Problem: The Two Pawns

Here is a neat little puzzle in counting. In how many different ways may the two pawns advance to the eighth square? You may move them in any order you like to form a different sequence.


For example, you may move the $Q R P$ (one or two squares) first, or the $K R P$ first, or one pawn as far as you like before touching the other. Any sequence is permissible, only in this puzzle as soon as a pawn reaches the eighth square it is dead, and remains there unconverted. Can you count the number of different sequences? At first it will strike you as being very difficult, but I will show that it is really quite simple when properly attacked.

Solutions: 1

Solutions: 1

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  1. Dudeney, H. E.: "Amusements in Mathematics", The Authors' Club, 1917

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