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Subsection: Propositions from Book 7

This subsection contains the propositions from Book 7 of Euclid's “Elements”.

  1. Proposition: 7.01: Sufficient Condition for Coprimality
  2. Proposition: 7.02: Greatest Common Divisor of Two Numbers - Euclidean Algorithm
  3. Proposition: 7.03: Greatest Common Divisor of Three Numbers
  4. Proposition: 7.04: Smaller Numbers are Dividing or not Dividing Larger Numbers
  5. Proposition: 7.05: Divisors Obey Distributive Law (Sum)
  6. Proposition: 7.06: Division with Quotient and Remainder Obeys Distributive Law (Sum)
  7. Proposition: 7.07: Divisors Obey Distributive Law (Difference)
  8. Proposition: 7.08: Division with Quotient and Remainder Obeys Distributivity Law (Difference)
  9. Proposition: 7.09: Alternate Ratios of Equal Fractions
  10. Proposition: 7.10: Multiples of Alternate Ratios of Equal Fractions
  11. Proposition: 7.11: Proportional Numbers have Proportional Differences
  12. Proposition: 7.12: Ratios of Numbers is Distributive over Addition
  13. Proposition: 7.13: Proportional Numbers are Proportional Alternately
  14. Proposition: 7.14: Proportion of Numbers is Transitive
  15. Proposition: 7.15: Alternate Ratios of Multiples
  16. Proposition: 7.16: Natural Number Multiplication is Commutative
  17. Proposition: 7.17: Multiples of Ratios of Numbers
  18. Proposition: 7.18: Ratios of Multiples of Numbers
  19. Proposition: 7.19: Relation of Ratios to Products
  20. Proposition: 7.20: Ratios of Fractions in Lowest Terms
  21. Proposition: 7.21: Co-prime Numbers form Fraction in Lowest Terms
  22. Proposition: 7.22: Numbers forming Fraction in Lowest Terms are Co-prime
  23. Proposition: 7.23: Divisor of One of Co-prime Numbers is Co-prime to Other
  24. Proposition: 7.24: Integer Co-prime to all Factors is Co-prime to Whole
  25. Proposition: 7.25: Square of Co-prime Number is Co-prime
  26. Proposition: 7.26: Product of Co-prime Pairs is Co-prime
  27. Proposition: 7.27: Powers of Co-prime Numbers are Co-prime
  28. Proposition: 7.28: Numbers are Co-prime iff Sum is Co-prime to Both
  29. Proposition: 7.29: Prime not Divisor implies Co-prime
  30. Proposition: 7.30: Euclidean Lemma
  31. Proposition: 7.31: Existence of Prime Divisors
  32. Proposition: 7.32: Natural Number is Prime or has Prime Factor
  33. Proposition: 7.33: Least Ratio of Numbers
  34. Proposition: 7.34: Existence of Least Common Multiple
  35. Proposition: 7.35: Least Common Multiple Divides Common Multiple
  36. Proposition: 7.36: Least Common Multiple of Three Numbers
  37. Proposition: 7.37: Integer Divided by Divisor is Integer
  38. Proposition: 7.38: Divisor is Reciprocal of Divisor of Integer
  39. Proposition: 7.39: Least Number with Three Given Fractions

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