(related to Proposition: Order Relation for Real Numbers is Strict and Total)
We first show that the order relation for real numbers "$ < `$" is a trichotomy.
- Let $x,y\in \mathbb R$ be any real numbers represented by the equivalence classes of some rational Cauchy sequences $(x_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}+ I$ and $(y_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}+ I$.
- It follows from the definition of the order relation for real numbers that
- $x < y$ is equivalent to $x-y < 0$, which is equivalent to the existence of some $N\in\mathbb N$ such that $x_n-y_n < 0$ for all $n > N$.
- $x > y$ is equivalent to $x-y > 0$, which is equivalent to the existence of some $N\in\mathbb N$ such that $x_n-y_n > 0$ for all $n > N$.
- $x = y$ is equivalent to $x-y = 0$, which is equivalent to $(x_n-y_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ being a rational Cauchy sequence converging to $0$.
- Please note that in the terms $x_n-y_n < 0$ and $x_n-y_n > 0$ we have reduced the order relations of real numbers "$x < y$" and "$x > y$" to the order relations of rational numbers "$x_n < y_n$" and "$x_n > y_n$", respectively.
- Therefore, from the trichotomy of the order relation for rational numbers, the trichotomy for the order relation for real numbers follows.
- Therefore, for any two given real numbers $x,y$, only one of the following cases can occure at once:
- Either $x=y$, or
- $x > y$, or
- $x < y.$
Now, we show the transitivity.
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