Problem: The Abbot's Puzzle

The first English puzzlist whose name has come down to us was a Yorkshireman—no other than Alcuin, Abbot of Canterbury (A.D. 735-804). Here is a little puzzle from his works, which is at least interesting on account of its antiquity. "If $100$ bushels of corn were distributed among $100$ people in such a manner that each man received three bushels, each woman two, and each child half a bushel, how many men, women, and children were there?"

Now, there are six different correct answers, if we exclude a case where there would be no women. But let us say that there were just five times as many women as men, then what is the correct solution?

Solutions: 1

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  1. Dudeney, H. E.: "Amusements in Mathematics", The Authors' Club, 1917

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