Subsection: Propositions from Book 2

This subsection is dedicated to the propositions of Book 2 of “Euclid’s Elements”.

  1. Proposition: 2.01: Summing Areas or Rectangles
  2. Proposition: 2.02: Square is Sum of Two Rectangles
  3. Proposition: 2.03: Rectangle is Sum of Square and Rectangle
  4. Proposition: 2.04: Square of Sum
  5. Proposition: 2.05: Rectangle is Difference of Two Squares
  6. Proposition: 2.06: Square of Sum with One Halved Summand
  7. Proposition: 2.07: Sum of Squares
  8. Proposition: 2.08: Square of Sum with One Doubled Summand
  9. Proposition: 2.09: Sum of Squares of Sum and Difference
  10. Proposition: 2.10: Sum of Squares (Half)
  11. Proposition: 2.11: Constructing the Golden Ratio of a Segment
  12. Proposition: 2.12: Law of Cosines (for Obtuse Angles)
  13. Proposition: 2.13: Law of Cosines (for Acute Angles)
  14. Proposition: 2.14: Constructing a Square from a Rectilinear Figure

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