Proof: By Induction
(related to Lemma: Relationship between Tree Degree, Tree Height and the Number of Leaves in a Tree)
- By hypothesis, $T(V,E)$ is a tree with $|V|$ vertices and a given root $r$.
- Let $h$ be the height of $T$ with respect to $r$, let $d$ be the degree of $T$ with respect to $r$, and let $l$ denote the number of leaves in $T$.
- We prove the inequalities by induction on the height $h.$
- Base case $h=0$:
- Induction step $h\to h+1$
- Assume, for all trees $T^\prime$ with heights $h^\prime\le h$ we have the inequalities
* $l^\prime\le d^{h^\prime}$
* $|V|\le 2\cdot d^{h^\prime}$
* $h^\prime\ge\log_d({l^\prime}).$
- Let $T(V,E)$ be a tree of height $h+1$.
- We prove $l+1\le d^{h+1}$:
* Note that the leaves at the altitude $h+1$ of a tree $T$ have leaves of $T^\prime$ as their predecessors.
* Since $T$ is of degree $d,$ each leaf of $T^\prime$ can have at most $d$ new successors (leaves) in $T.$
* It follows $l+1\le d\cdot d^{h}=d^{h+1}.$
- We prove $|V|\le 2\cdot d^{h+1}$
* We have just shown that at most $d^{h+1}$ new vertices in $T$ can be added at the altitude $h+1$.
* The overall number of vertices in $T$ can be, therefore, estimated as $|V|\le 2d^h+d^{h+1}\le d^{h+1}+d^{h+1}=2d^{h+1}.$
- We prove $h+1\ge\log_d({l+1})$:
* Since $l+1\le d^{h+1}$, it follows $\log_d(l+1)\le h+1$
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- Erk, Katrin; Priese, Lutz: "Theoretische Informatik", Springer Verlag, 2000, 2nd Edition