Definition: Trees and Forests

Let \(G(V,E,\gamma)\) be an undirected graph. * \(G\) is called a forest, if it contains only acyclic components. * \(G\) is called a tree, if it has only one acyclic component.

  1. Proposition: Equivalent Definitions of Trees
  2. Definition: Root, Degree of a Tree, Subtree, Height
  3. Lemma: Lower Bound of Leaves in a Tree
  4. Lemma: Relationship between Tree Degree, Tree Height and the Number of Leaves in a Tree
  5. Definition: Spanning Tree
  6. Definition: Graph Decomposable Into \(k\) Trees

Branches: 1
Definitions: 2 3 4 5
Examples: 6
Lemmas: 7 8 9 10
Proofs: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Propositions: 19

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  1. Krumke S. O., Noltemeier H.: "Graphentheoretische Konzepte und Algorithmen", Teubner, 2005, 1st Edition