
(related to Proposition: Algebraic Structure of Integers Together with Addition and Multiplication)

We have to show that \((\mathbb Z, +, \cdot)\), i.e. the set of integers \(\mathbb Z\), together with the operations addition "\(+\)" and multiplication "\(\cdot\)" forms an integral domain. We will do so by demonstrating, that \((\mathbb Z, +, \cdot)\) is a commutative ring, which is not the zero ring and in which the integer \(0\) is the only zero divisor.

In order to show that \((\mathbb Z, +,\cdot)\) is a commutative ring, we check the following properties:

Suppose, there would be other (but \(0\)) zero divisors, say \(x,y\in\mathbb Z\) with \(x\neq 0\), \(y\neq 0\), and still \(x\cdot y=0\). By definition of integers, suppose \(x=[a,b],y=[c,d]\) for some natural numbers \(a,b,c,d\in\mathbb N\). By definition of multiplying integers, we also have that \[\begin{array}{ccl} x\cdot y=[a,b] \cdot [c,d] := [ac + bd, ad + bc]. \end{array} \]

Because both \(x\) and \(y\) are not equal \(0\), we have that \([a,b]\neq[0,0]\) and \([c,d]\neq[0,0]\), which means that \(a\) and \(b\) are not simultaneously equal \(0\), and that \(c\) and \(d\) are not simultaneously equal \(0\). There are \(7\) possibilities for this and we have to check, in which cases the natural numbers \(ac + bd\) and \(ad + bc\) both equal zero:

\(a\) \(b\) \(c\) \(d\) \(ac\) \(bd\) \(ad\) \(bc\) \(ac+bd\) \(ad+bc\)
\(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\)
\(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(=0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\)
\(\neq 0\) \(=0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(=0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\)
\(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(=0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(=0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\)
\(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(=0\) \(= 0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\)
\(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(=0\) \(=0\) \(\neq 0\) \(=0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\)
\(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\) \(\neq 0\) \(=0\) \(=0\) \(=0\) \(\neq 0\) \(= 0\)

We have seen that in all \(7\) cases \[\begin{array}{ccl} [ac + bd, ad + bc]\neq[0,0], \end{array} \] which demonstrates that the product of integers \(x\cdot y\) is never equal (integer) zero. This is a contradiction to our hypothesis \(x\cdot y=0\). This completes the proof.

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  1. Kramer Jürg, von Pippich, Anna-Maria: "Von den natürlichen Zahlen zu den Quaternionen", Springer-Spektrum, 2013