Epoch: 13th Century
(no contents provided yet)
- Chinese start to use a symbol for zero.
- Fibonacci writes "Liber abaci" Ⓣ(Book of the abacus) with arithmetic and algebra he had learnt in Arab countries. Introduces the sequence of numbers now called the "Fibonacci sequence".
- Bhaskara sets up an educational institution to study Bhaskaracharya's works.
- Scot completes the translation from Arabic into Latin of al-Bitruji's Alpetragius the first work to present a non-Ptolemaic astronomical system.
- Fibonacci writes "Practica geometriae" Ⓣ(Practical geometry)
- Fibonacci writes "Liber quadratorum" (The Book of the Square), his most impressive work.
- It is the first major European advance in number theory since the work of Diophantus a thousand years earlier.
- Jordanus Nemorarius writes on astronomy. In mathematics he uses letters in an early form of algebraic notation.
- De Sacrobosco writes "Tractatus de Sphaera" a book on astronomy in four chapters, covering arithmetic, and calendar reform.
- Jinshao writes Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections containing simultaneous integer congruences and the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
- It considers indeterminate equations, Horner's method, areas of geometrical figures and linear simultaneous equations.
- Jinshao writes Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections containing simultaneous integer congruences and the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
- It considers indeterminate equations, Horner's method, areas of geometrical figures and linear simultaneous equations.
- Li Yeh writes a book which contains negative numbers, denoted by putting a diagonal stroke through the last digit.
- Campanus of Novara
- Writes a Latin edition of "Euclid's Elements" in 15 books, becoming the standard Euclid for 200 years.
- Writes on astronomy.
- Xian writes "Xiangjie Jiuzhang Suanfa" (A detailed analysis of the mathematical rules in the Nine Chapters) with the intention of explaining, and making better known, the work of Jia Xian.
- Al-Maghribi lists precise astronomical observations made at the Maragha Observatory between 1262 and 1274.
- Yang Hui writes an elementary texts on multiplication, division, root-extraction, quadratic and simultaneous equations, series, computations of areas of a rectangle, a trapezium, a circle, and other figures.
- Bacon proposes to write a book on science which would be of benefit of the Church.
- Hui
- Practical mathematical rules for surveying and Continuation of ancient mathematical methods
- writes "Cheng Chu Tong Bian Ben Mo" (Alpha and omega of variations on multiplication and division).
- It uses decimal fractions (in the modern form) and gives the first account of Pascal's triangle.
- Shoujing promoted to be director of the Observatory in Beijing.
Table of Contents
- Person: Magnus, Saint Albertus
- Person: Al-Tusi (2), Nasir al-Din
- Person: Jiushao, Qin
- Person: Bacon, Roger
- Person: Al-Maghribi, Muhyi l'din
- Person: Campanus Of Novara
- Person: Nemorarius, Jordanus
- Person: Shoujing, Guo
- Person: Llull, Ramon
- Person: Ibn Tibbon, Jacob ben Machir
- Person: Hui (2), Yang
- Person: Al-Samarqandi, Shams al-Din
- Person: Al-Banna
- Person: Al-Farisi
- Person: Shijie, Zhu
- Person: Youqin, Zhao
- Person: Gerson, Rabbi Levi Ben
- Person: William Of Ockham
- Person: Bradwardine, Thomas
Thank you to the contributors under CC BY-SA 4.0!

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