Proof: By Induction
(related to Theorem: Taylor's Formula)
- By hypothesis, $I\subset\mathbb R$ is an interval and $f:I\to\mathbb R$ is a $(n+1)$ times continuously differentiable function where $n\ge 0$ is a natural number.
- Let $a,x\in I,$ and $n!$ denote the factorial, and $f^{\{n\}}$ denote the $n$-th derivative. We prove the statement by induction on $n.$
- Base case $n=0$
- Induction step $n\to n+1$
- By the induction hypothesis and by integration by parts $$\begin{align}
R_n(x)&=\frac 1{(n-1)!}\int_a^x (x-t)^{n-1}f^{\{n\}}(t)dt\nonumber\\
&=-f^{\{n\}}(t)\frac{(x-t)^n}{n !}\;\Rule{1px}{4ex}{2ex}^{t=b}_{t=a}+\int_a^x \frac{(x-t)^n}{n !}df^{\{n\}}(t)\nonumber\\
&=\frac{f^{\{n\}}(a)}{n !}(x-a)^n+\frac 1{n !}\int_a^x (x-t)^{n}f^{\{n+1\}}(t)dt\nonumber\\
- It follows for all $n\ge 0$ that
$$f(x)=f(a)+\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{f^{\{k\}}(a)}{k!}(x-a)^k+R_{n+1}(x).$$
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