Chapter: Problems Concerning Games

"The little pleasure of the game." MATTHEW PRIOR.

Every game lends itself to the propounding of a variety of puzzles. They can be made, as we have seen, out of the chessboard and the peculiar moves of the chess pieces. I will now give just a few examples of puzzles with playing cards and dominoes, and also go out of doors and consider one or two little posers in the cricket field, at the football match, and the horse race and motor-car race.

  1. Problem: Dominoes In Progression
  2. Problem: The Five Dominoes
  3. Problem: The Domino Frame Puzzle
  4. Problem: The Card Frame Puzzle
  5. Problem: The Cross Of Cards
  6. Problem: The "T" Card Puzzle
  7. Problem: Card Triangles
  8. Problem: "Strand" Patience
  9. Problem: A Trick With Dice
  10. Problem: The Village Cricket Match
  11. Problem: Slow Cricket
  12. Problem: The Football Players
  13. Problem: The Horse-race Puzzle
  14. Problem: The Motor-car Race

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  1. Dudeney, H. E.: "Amusements in Mathematics", The Authors' Club, 1917

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