Proposition: Nth Roots of Positive Numbers

Let \(\mathbb R_{+}:=\{x\in\mathbb R, x\ge 0\}\) be the subset of real numbers consisting of positive real numbers, including \(0\). For an integer \(n\ge 2\) or \(n\le -2\), the function \(f:\mathbb R_{ + }\to\mathbb R\), denoted by \(x\to \sqrt[n]{x}\), is continuous and strictly monotonically increasing, and called the \(n\)-th root of the positive number \(x\).

The \(n\)-th root is the inverse function to the \(n\)-th power, i.e. for \(n\ge 2\) or \(n\le -2\), we have


and \[(\sqrt[-n]{x})^{-n}=\left(\frac {1}{\sqrt[n]{x}}\right)^{-n}=\left(\frac {\sqrt[n]{x}}{1}\right)^n=x\]


The following interactive figure shows the \(n\)-th root (red) and the \(-n\)-nt root (blue) for \(2\le|n|\le20\):

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